Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Time of Transition and Greengate at UNIQLO

A time of transition, I find, is not the most active time for blog-posting. I'm neither here or there, but I know my direction.I guess it's the inertia of the past acting like gravity, meanwhile that the new plans, dreams, mindsets and habits kicking in act as propulsion to the future. A hiatus, but at the same time, a 'zero limit' dimension where anything is possible, including my plans and dreams. But, ironically, those plans and dreams are actually a return to the real self , the authentic self or aspects of it, that I left behind in the process of growing into adulthood and dealing with the world. And the real self is what really brings joy, happiness and contentment in life. And discovering Greengate designs at UNIQLO brought me back to flashes of childlike and ageless sunny joy .
Thanks to Greengate website for the pics.

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