Friday, December 7, 2012

I Believe in Santa Claus

I  believe  in  the  idea  of  'Santa Claus"  symbolizing  the  spirit of   giving, of  abundant  giving  and  giving  for   the  sake  of  giving ... as  in giving  yet another  mug  for  Christmas  to  somebody  who  doesn't need yet  another mug because that's what  the  budget  would allow.

It  would  really be  nice  if  I  could  see  the  real  physical  Santa  Claus  and  not  just  the  trimming  on  the  Christmas  tree  or  the  myriad  Santa  Claus  toys  hanging  like  acrobats  in  windows  and  Christmas displays. But  I believe in  the  idea  of   Santa Claus  winging  through   the  Christmas  night  sky in  his  reindeer-powered  sleigh dropping  off   gifts.

Yes, Virginia, I  believe  in  the  idea  of  Santa Claus  enough   to    log  every  Christmas  on   a  Santa Claus  tracking   website  ( a  Norad  site, is  it?)  to know  where  Santa Clause  is  this  minute  and  that. It's  a  Christmas   treat, doing  that.

But,  let's   here  it   from   an expert  on   religious  and   spiritual   things. Here's   a  very nice  discourse  from  G.K. Chesterton :

" What  has  happened to me  has  been the very  reverse of what  appears  to  the the  experience  of most  of  my  friends. Instead of dwindling  to  a  point, Santa Claus has  grown larger and  larger in my life until. It  happened  in  this way. As  a  child I was faced with  a  phenomenon requiring explanation. I hung  up at the end of  my  bed  an  empty stocking. I had  done  nothing  to  produce  the things that  filled it. I had not  worked  for them, or  made them or  helped to make them. I had not  even been good --- far from it.

And  the  explanaion was  that a certain  being  whom people called Santa Claus was benevolently disposed to me.

And  as  I  say, I believe it still. I  have merely extended the idea. Then I only wondered who put  the  toys in the  stocking \; now I wonder  who  put the stocking by the bed, and the bed in the room, and  the room in the house, and the  house on the planet and the great planet in the void. Once  I  only thanked Santa Claus for a  few dolls and  crackers, now  I thanks  him  for stars and  street faces and  wine  and the great sea. Once I though it  delightful  and  astonishing to find a  present  so big that it only went halfway into the  stocking, now  I am  delighted and  astonished every morning to find  a present  so big  that it takes two  stockings to  hold it, and  then leaves a great deal outside, it  is  the  large  and preposterous present of  myself,  as to the  origin of  which  I  can offer no suggestion except that  Santa Claus gave it  to me  in  a fit of peculiarly fantastic good will."

OK, while  wondering  who  would  and  why  give  G.K. Chesterton  dolls   when  I  read  or saw  a picture  somewhere  that  he  is  a  boy/man/male, let  me  go back  to  gift -wrapping  the  mugs. 

Merry  Christmas,  and  happy  holidays, everyone. HO-HO-HO!!

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