Friday, April 20, 2012

Ariara Island , Philippines -- Eco Resort

Just had to take note of this -- I was having my architecture-interior design fix browsing through Architectural Digest when I came across this in their Travel pages-- lurking hidden somewhere in the Philippines is Ariara Island with its super-exclusive eco-resort that no typical Juan and Juana de la Cruz, including me, of course, would have any notion of, if not for the freedom and coverage the Internet provides.. As the eco-resort admits----- " Escape to your own tropical island secretly hidden in an untouched corner of the Far East. Ariara is the ultimate ‘off the beaten track’ destination. This private property is available to let including the exclusive use of the whole island..." Well, exclusiveness has its price, so it'll be delusional for me to say 'See you there', but then again, prayers could be answered. So 'See you there', anyway. So, thanks to Al Linsangan and the resort's site, here's a voyeur's peek at this exclusive secret haven ..
Beautiful, breath-taking , magnificent .. Upside of exclusivity, I suppose would be that this piece of paradise would be preserved better, compared to ... Anyhow, I'm grateful that I now know the name of yet another one of my country's 7,107 islands. Now, just wondering how long it will take me to save up for a night's stay...hmmmm..

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