Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year Everyone! Happy New Year World!

Happy New Year Everyone! Happy New Year World!
Just had one blast of a New Year's celebration in the parking lot of our little condo community, watching other people's fireworks which may not be as grandiose, howl-educing and spectacular as this --
or as marathonic as the NYC Times Square countdown which I'm watching on live streaming now at 02:44:38 to go, but it nevertheless got me jumping up and down and tooting my own little 'torotot' with its nerve-wracking, annoying, wacky noise (malevolent spirits may not have fled in fear,but I'm sure they fled never to come back in extreme irritation..)

Whatever the gloom and doom the outgoing year may have brought, celebrating New Year's eve is one pivotal moment that can turn one's mindset around. One thing that really lifted my spirits up is the TV newsbit on the Sendong typhoon-flood victims celebrating in their evacuation center by holding a 'Mr. and Ms. Sendong' pageant ramping it up in their new relief-given finery. One heart-warming 'only-in-the-Philippines' moment. Hope and optimism rule!!

Happy , Peaceful and Prosperous 2012 to us all!

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