Friday, June 24, 2011

Some Other Sunrises after Two Crazy Weeks at the Office

The last two weeks have been crazy at the office -- an application system going kaput, including the peopleware, me not excluded ; spewing reports needed by WB (debt cancellation, please) from an imperfect database (is there such a thing as a perfect db?), work-related thoughts running in a rut. Antidote? Blogging about sunrises at 6 am with a heavy downpour outside.

So, with a take from David Benoit's 'Some Other Sunset', one of my favorite tunes, and remembering a quote from somewhere "What is art but seeing the beautiful and extraordinary in the commonplace?", here are some scenes from the window of a 5th floor box of a condo unit, somewhere in Q.C.

Fascinating the uniqueness of every day, starting with how the sunrise is painted in the morning sky ... Magnificent is God's morning art , the play of colours and light which I'm pretty sure is never replicated ...

Should remind me that my seemingly routine everyday life is not really ever the same...
I only have to be aware of the obvious-hidden details that actually are surprising ...

There really is an infinity of versions of the same thing ... sunrise ...

Moment to moment, hour to hour ...

... Day to day ..

... Infinity of the same.. Awesome .. love it..

This one's for when I get to Paris. Thanks Eric Tennin . And oh, this one's a sunset.

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