Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Symbols/Metaphors as Expressions of Mindsets -- Dove, Serpent, Eagle ---

One lesson I've had to learn in trying to deal with the world, realistically and effectively --Matthew10:16 -- be cunning  as  serpents but  be gentle as doves. As  an idea, it is quite interesting, because of  the  contrariness of the two symbols. Graphically/visually, the imagery is disturbing , but  strong --


( Thanks to the sources/owners of the images from the net.)

The eagle  invariably denotes  power,  strength, vision  and  leadership. What  is less  encountered   is  its symbolism  for  transformation, growth and  renewal, as  what  the  following excerpt  expounds --

"  Eagles  are  the most long-lived bird in the world.  By the time they reach 40 years old,
their claws start to age, losing their  effectiveness, making  it hard  for  them  to catch
their  prey. The lifespan of an eagle is up to 70 years old. But  in order to  live this long,
the  eagle must make the toughest decision when it’s at 40. Their beaks begin  to grow
long to the point that  it  reaches its chest. Its wings  are extremely heavy due to thickened
feathers making  flying extremely diificult  The  eagle is  left  with  two  choices – do nothing
and await  its  death  or go through a painful period  of transformation  and  renewal. For
150 days, it will first train itself to fly beyond high mountains, build and live in its nest and
cease all flying activities. It then begins to knock  its beak against granite rocks  till its old 
beak is  completely removed.  When the new beak is  grown, it wold use it  to remove all it
claws  and await quietly for all new claws to be fully grown. When the new claws  are    
fully  grown,  it would use these to remove all its feathers, one by one.  Five months later,
when  feathers are  fully grown, with renewed strength, it begins  soaring in  the  sky  yer
once again and  is able  to live  for  the next 30 years.

In life, as an  individual, in  a ministry, even in an organization, sometimes, we   have  to learn
to make  difficult decisions so as to make room for  changes. Changes bring  about renewal. And
the only way for  us  to soar  again is to let  go  of  old ways,old habits, old life. For as long as  we
are prepared to put aside  our old baggage (past glory or shame, past success or  failures), be willing to become zero, with an  empty cup mentality, we will be able to discover our potentials
and head towards  a renewed perspective in any aspect of  our lives. Yet, at the same time, I am
also reminded of Isaiah 40:31 but those who hope in  the LORD  will renew their  strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will  run and not grow weary, they will  walk  and  not be faint.
I used to  wonder why the Lord would  associate those who wait  upon him with the  eagle  and not other birdslike peacocks, chickens or  turkeys.  God has intended that we should  soar on wings like eagles, run and not be weary, walk and not faint. But this  could only  be possible  when we
hope and wait on Him to renew our strength and  be prepared to be moulded all over again – be zero again, be still  again, be  quiet again.  And  the  journey  of renewal  will be  painlful and requires  an  attitude of – “ I want. I am willing”.

May this  sharaing encourage  you all. Finally , bold, be  strong , for  the Lord thy God is  with you.


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