Saturday, September 19, 2015

Dream Came True

September 20, 2015
A dream became reality since my last
post in December 2013. Dreams do
come true.... 2014 Euro trip.

But first my freedom jump
in the old town in 
Dubrovnik, Croatia....

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 and 10,000 Hours

A happy abundant  prosperous and all things nice 2014, everyone.
10,000 hours they say is the time used up to become an expert in
just about anything.
The New Year's resolution is to be an expert in positive thoughts,
emotions, feelings, attitudes, expressions and actions.
10,000 hours is roughly 1 year and 2 months. So, I have until
the end of Feb. 2015.
Long way to go.....but it shall be done.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A Time of Transition and Greengate at UNIQLO

A time of transition, I find, is not the most active time for blog-posting. I'm neither here or there, but I know my direction.I guess it's the inertia of the past acting like gravity, meanwhile that the new plans, dreams, mindsets and habits kicking in act as propulsion to the future. A hiatus, but at the same time, a 'zero limit' dimension where anything is possible, including my plans and dreams. But, ironically, those plans and dreams are actually a return to the real self , the authentic self or aspects of it, that I left behind in the process of growing into adulthood and dealing with the world. And the real self is what really brings joy, happiness and contentment in life. And discovering Greengate designs at UNIQLO brought me back to flashes of childlike and ageless sunny joy .
Thanks to Greengate website for the pics.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

For a blog that started as personal and transitioning into a monetized one, all means that could help to increase traffic and exposure are welcome. I've tried affiliate programs and links to other sites, and to some extent it has increased traffic, but so far, not adequate enough to generate income. Another way to enhance the monetizing capability of my blog would be much welcome. I found LinkFromBlog in a another blog I was subscribed. I decided to register and part of the activation procedure I selected was to put this hyperlink in a post : buy blog reviews. For those who are in the same boat as I am and to those who are interested, there's nothing to lose and everything to gain in trying this out. Paid reviews Advertise with my Blog